Sophie Steele is originally from England, and grew up between the UK, Australia, Singapore and the US, before moving full time to the US in 2011. She received a BA in English Literature from Exeter University (UK)/College of William and Mary (US). After a cross-country roadtrip from Virginia, she found graduate school in Colorado, and graduated in 2016 with a MA in Human Learning and Development from CU Denver with a concentration in Early Childhood Special Education. While obtaining her Master's degree, Sophie completed the Teacher Education Program at Boulder Journey School, and was immersed in the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education. Then, she discovered psychological science and returned to study at the Florida Institute of Technology before becoming credentialed as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and International Behavior Analyst. Sophie's professional interests include precision teaching (PT), instructional design, relational frame theory (RFT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), generative learning, fluency, and teaching academic and cognitive skills. She hopes to inspire in her students a love of lifelong learning.
Sophie is a member of the Standard Celeration Society (SCS), the Colorado Association for Behavior Analysis (COABA), Four Corners ABA (4CABA), the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS), the Association of Psychological Science (APS), the Association for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies (ACBT) and the National Institute of Direct Instruction (NIFDI).